Yelp Highlights
Hey everyone!! We had such a blast at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria, VA last friday for the Yelp Gets Lucky Party!! Thanx so much to Gretchen Powell for putting together such a great event, all the great businesses and entertainment for giving their time and all the amazing yelpers who came and stayed for our set! It was a privilege playing for you and talking to you all afterwards!!
You can check out a photo slide show of the event here...
Also, Ben Powell used an unreleased song of ours called "Cut The Trachea" for his compilation of the slow mo booth at the event as well which you can check out here...
If you missed us, Don't Worry!! You can catch us June 28th at the Del Ray Music Festival in Alexandria, VA on the side stage opening for The Pietasters!! We can't wait!!
Thanx so much and hope to see you all soon!!