Cassettes, Podcasts and Shows...

So, April has started off with a bang!!

First off, we played a kick ass show at Old Town Tavern in Frederick, MD with Amber Sands and it was a blast!  We also had our good friend, Wally Worsley come up and do a song with us so if you missed it, sorry!  But know that it was EPIC!!  We'll be back soon so stay tuned for our return.

Also, Matt returned to one of our favorite podcasts, The Richard Dick Show to promote the Frederick gig and talk about Male Chastity Belts...yup...exactly!  Check it out below...

And lastly, If you haven't heard, we have released the Reach Out EP on cassette!!  That's right, Cassettes!!  You can get them for $10 at a show near you.  Download codes inside for anyone who doesn't have a walkman and our debut, Heart Attack EP is on Side 2!!  Thanx to Chris Berry for designing them and posting some sweet pics on his website.